Re­search pro­jects and net­works

Ed­ir­om & Co. - Di­git­al edi­tions and tools in Open Ac­cess


For around two decades, digital technologies for scholarly music editions have been researched, developed and applied at the Detmold/Paderborn Musicological Seminar. With the Center for Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM) , Detmold has become a central location for the international coding standard of the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) as well as for the "Edirom" software used by academics and music publishers. Detmold is also a leading educational centre in this field of Digital Humanities: the courses offered on an ongoing basis from the research projects are aimed at BA and MA students from all disciplines. In addition, there is a Master's specialisation in "Digital Edition" and the annual "Edirom Summer School" with an international reach.

Archive (Com­pleted pro­jects)

Over­view of com­pleted re­search pro­jects of the De­part­ment of Mu­si­co­logy

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Pro­ject list (Re­search In­form­a­tion Sys­tem RIS)

13 projects were found
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'Beethovens Werkstatt' - Genetic Text Criticism and Digital Music Edition

The research project Beethoven's Workshop, funded since 2014 by the german Academy of Sciences and Literature, is dedicated to Beethoven's compositional working processes. This project in the field of music philology is based on two closely related research areas: Parallel to the genetic text critique methods which are being developed, digital ...

Duration: 01/2014 - 12/2029

Funded by: AdW Mainz

Northern Baroque

"Barock im Norden" steht für ein Querschnitthema der Frühen Neuzeit. Fünf Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den Bereichen Germanistik, Musikwissenschaften, Romanistik, Anglistik und Geschichte beschäftigen sich mit dem Barock – verstanden nicht als ein Stil oder eine Epoche, sondern als eine politische Sprache des 17. und 18. ...

Duration: 08/2010 - 12/2027

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The WeGA is a musicological edition project funded by the Academy of Sciences and Literature (Mainz) with the aim of presenting all of Weber's compositions, letters, diaries and writings in a historico-critical complete edition by the 200th anniversary of Weber's death in 2026. The edition is designed to consist of 54 printed volumes of music ...

Duration: 01/1993 - 12/2026

Funded by: AdW Mainz

Contact: Peter Stadler

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