Research projects and networks

Researchers at the Detmold/Paderborn Musicology Department are currently working on the following projects and in the following networks:
- Beethoven's Workshop: Genetic Text Criticism and Digital Music Edition
- Carl Maria von Weber Complete Edition
- Indexing and cataloguing the private library from the estate of Hans Werner Henze
- Henze Digital - Hans Werner Henze's artistic network
- Interactive digital sheet music in music theatre
- KreativInstitut.OWL: Field of Digital Humanities, Music and Media Editions
- Music Theatre Horror. Music and Sound in London Gothic Plays around 1800
- NFDI4Culture
- OPEN Edirom
- Digital Humanities profile area of the Paderborn University
- Dance/Music digital
- Virtual Research Group Edirom (ViFE)
- Centre for Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM)
Edirom & Co. - Digital editions and tools in Open Access
- Carl Louis Bargheer: Fiedellieder plus. Eine digitale Edtion
- Carl Maria von Weber, Klarinettenquintett op. 34, dritte digitale Version:
--> Visualisierung (Release: 26.6.2022): Edirom Online v1.0.0-beta4 “Emeritus”
--> Daten: GitLab Repository - Detmolder Hoftheater 1825–1875
- Edirom Online
- Freischütz digital (FreiDi)
- Max-Reger-Werkausgabe (RWA), Modul Orgelwerke
- Max-Reger-Werkausgabe (RWA), Modul Lieder und Chorwerke
- Music Encoding Initiative (MEI)
- MEI Garage
- OPEN Edirom: Peter Joseph von Lindpaintner, Ouverture, Entreacte, Chöre und Lieder zu Goethes Faust nach der szenischen Einrichtung von Carl Seydelmann
For around two decades, digital technologies for scholarly music editions have been researched, developed and applied at the Detmold/Paderborn Musicological Seminar. With the Center for Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM) and the Virtueller Forschungsverbund Edirom (ViFE), Detmold has become a central location for the international coding standard of the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) as well as for the "Edirom" software used by academics and music publishers. Detmold is also a leading educational centre in this field of Digital Humanities: the courses offered on an ongoing basis from the research projects are aimed at BA and MA students from all disciplines. In addition, there is a Master's specialisation in Digital Edition and the annual Edirom Summer School with an international reach.
Archive (Completed projects)
Project list (Research Information System RIS)
Interactive Digital Scores in the Music Theatre
Digital sheet music, "score viewer apps", are an underestimated innovation of the digital transformation in the working world of many musicians and small ensembles. An innovation that cannot, however, be easily transferred to larger concert, opera and theater houses around the world with their more complex workflows. We want to scientifically ...
Duration: 08/2024 - 01/2026
Funded by: BMBF
German-Italian Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences / Cooperazione italo-tedesca nel campo delle scienze umane e sociali
Villa Vigoni Talks ""Towards a comparative approach to the creative process in music. Common terminology and (digital) philological models / Per un approccio comparativo negli studi sul processo creativo in musica: terminologia comune e modelli filologico-digitali“
Duration: 05/2024 - 05/2024
Funded by: DFG
Dynamic scoring-up and display of early music in Verovio
We are developing new features that make it possible to better visualize and hear early music, such as that written in the Middle Ages or Renaissance, in digital form. It will be possible to dynamically switch between different views of musical pieces, for example, between individual voices and the full score. This not only makes the work of music ...
Duration: 01/2024 - 12/2024
Funded by: NFDI4Culture
Dance/Music digital
Projektziel von Tanz/Musik digital ist es, eine Editionsmethode zu entwickeln, mit der die Informationen der vielgestaltigen Quellen zum Tanz – ikonographische Dokumente, Musikalien, Schauspiel- und Rhetorikschulen, Archivdokumente – in einem umfassenden multimodalen Strukturmodell digital verknüpft werden können. In Hinblick auf den Tanz werden ...
Duration: 09/2023 - 08/2026
Funded by: DFG
Contact: Prof. Dr. Andreas Münzmay, Vera Grund
OPEN Edirom
OPEN Edirom is a pilot project carried out at the KreativInstitut.OWL in cooperation with the Center for Music - Edition - Media (ZenMEM) of the University of Paderborn, the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz, and NFDI4Culture. A stable and reusable workflow for open data publication and presentation of complex music philological data is ...
Duration: 07/2023 - 08/2024
Funded by: MWIKE NRW, Bezirksregierung Detmold
Musicological Markup with the mei-friend Editor
As the only music encoding format, MEI natively supports not only various types of notation, but also fine-grained cross-referencesboth within a document and to other digital objectsas well as complex transcription-related and editorial markup. At the same time, there is a great need for suitable tools that are graphically oriented and enable ...
Duration: 01/2023 - 12/2023
Funded by: NFDI4Culture
Indexing and cataloguing the private library from the estate of Hans Werner Henze
Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012) gilt als einer der bedeutendsten deutschen Opernkomponisten der Gegenwart. Nach seinem Tod 2012 steht die Aufarbeitung seines Gesamtwerks erst am Anfang. Henzes Privatbibliothek aus seinem Besitz in La Leprara bei Marino südlich von Rom, in dem er fünfzig Jahre seines Lebens verbracht und dort seine wichtigsten Werke ...
Duration: 10/2022 - 06/2024
Funded by: Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, Mariann Steegmann Foundation, Hans Werner Henze-Stiftung
The KreativInstitut.OWL is a network in the context of science, consisting of a university (University of Paderborn), a university of the arts (Detmold University of Music) and a university of applied sciences (Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences). This institution is the only one of its kind in Germany to combine creative skills from ...
Duration: 07/2022 - 12/2026
Funded by: MWIKE NRW, Bezirksregierung Detmold
Digital letter edition: Hans Werner Henze's network of artists
Hans Werner Henze (1926-2012) is considered one of the most important contemporary German opera composers as well as “the most colourful figures in the history of musical art after the Second World War” (Petersen 1988). In autobiographical writings and interviews, in addition to the political-humanitarian and pedagogical dimensions of his works, he ...
Duration: 08/2021 - 07/2024
Funded by: DFG
Contact: Dr. Dennis Ried
Erich Wolfgang Korngold Werkausgabe (EWK-WA)
In der EWK-WA werden sämtliche musikalische Werke des austroamerikanischen Komponisten Erich Wolfgang Korngold, mit Ausnahme der Operettenbearbeitungen und sonstiger Arrangements von Stücken anderer Komponisten, ediert. Vor allem die Edition der Filmmusik – Korngold prägte maßgeblich das Idiom dessen, was bis heute als klassischer »Hollywood-Sound« ...
Duration: 01/2021 - 12/2045
Funded by: AdW Mainz, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften