Master's programme in Musicology
Deepening, communication, professionalisation
The single-subject Master's degree programme in Musicology aims to expand musicological and professional skills. At the heart of the broad Master's programme are methodologically demanding music history and cultural studies topics through to contemporary music, pop and global music cultures. Interdisciplinary approaches play a major role, for example in the areas of digital humanities, editing, gender, society, media, performance, religion and theatre.
The degree programme is characterised by a high proportion of professional practice in the form of project work and a writing workshop. Teaching and communication skills are also put to the test in tutorials. In the inter-semester research colloquium, students gain direct insights into current musicological research.
Three specialisations to choose from
In one of three elective specialisations, you can focus in depth on the tense relationship between music-culture-science (specialisation A), specialise in digital music editing (specialisation B) or continue the artistic-musical training you began at a music university (specialisation C).
Studying and working in Detmold
The majority of seminars and lectures in the subject area of musicology take place in Detmold. In addition, individual courses are offered at other locations (Paderborn University campus, HNI Paderborn, KreativInstitut.OWL) or digitally.
As a Master's student, you have excellent opportunities to successfully apply for jobs as research assistants (WHB) in our ongoing musicological research projects. This allows you to gain important professional and research experience during your studies.