Con­tact us

Access to the Music Library/Musicology building through the joint main entrance of the Lippische Landesbibliothek and the FORUM, outside opening hours through the entrance at the back of the building.

All rooms are barrier-free.

Postal address:

Universität Paderborn
Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Detmold/Paderborn
Hornsche Straße 39
D-32756 Detmold

Phone: +49 (0) 5231 - 975 667
Fax: +49 (0) 5231 - 975 668
E-mail: musikwissenschaft[at]hfm-detmold[dot]de


How to get here

By by train: RB72 (from Herford or Paderborn and Altenbeken) or RE82 (from Bielefeld or Altenbeken) to Detmold railway station. From the station continue ...

By car: Parking spaces are available at the building.

You will find the office (secretariat) of the Musicology Department in room 1.04 on the 1st floor of the Music Library/Musicology building.
The seminar rooms "Meeting I" and "Meeting II" are also located in the Music Library/Musicology building.
Seminar rooms E 101 and E 107 are located directly opposite in Hornsche Str. 44 (Netzwerk Musikhochschulen / Centre for Music and Film Informatics building).
The Kuppelsaal and the seminar room "WHS" are located in the administration building Willi-Hofmann-Str. 5.

See campus map of the Detmold University of Music.

Musicology Seminar Detmold/Paderborn




Gebäude Musikwissenschaft/Musikbibliothek, Hornsche Str. 39 (1. und 2. OG)

Gebäude Drittmittelprojekte MuWi / ZeMFI, Hornsche Str. 44 (EG)

KreativInstitut.OWL, Bielefelder Str. 66a



Technologiepark, Zentrum Musik – Edition – Medien, Technologiepark 6 (5 Räume)

Uni-Campus, Gebäude W, Digital Humanities, Mersinweg 3 (Raum W1.204)


Building HFM1 1.04
Paderborn University
Hornsche Str. 39
32756 Detmold
+49 (0) 5231 - 975 667 Send E-Mail Directions