Study­ing abroad

Are you studying musicology? Then studying abroad is a sensible and enriching option. We will be happy to inform and support you! Study and examination achievements abroad are recognised.

The EU's Erasmus+ programme offers financial support, where students receive a partial scholarship for up to 12 months per study phase (Bachelor's, Master's, doctorate). There are also other funding opportunities, such as BAföG abroad.

All information, counselling services, funding options and application modalities can be found on the International Office website under Exchange Students - Outgoing.

The Department of Musicology cooperates directly with the Department of Musicology in Cremona and with the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. If you are interested, please contact Andreas Münzmay (programme officer for Cremona) or Rebecca Grotjahn (programme officer for Graz). In addition, in principle, all subject-related options for studying abroad can be considered. Information on all existing Erasmus+ partnerships in the various subject areas can be found on the Paderborn University's partner university portal.



Off to Cre­mona!

Our Erasmus+ cooperation with the Dipartimento di Musicologia e Beni Culturali in Cremona, Italy, includes musicology studies as part of the Corso di laurea triennale (BA level), the Corso di laurea magistrale (MA level) and exchanges for doctoral candidates. With its wide range of musicology programmes, Cremona is considered one of the top addresses in Italian musicology. You can find an overview of the current musicology programme here.

The Dipartimento di Musicologia is an institute of the Università di Pavia. The degree programmes offered by the University of Pavia are also available to you. You can find the university's list of courses and degree programmes here.

Off to Graz!

Students of the Detmold/Paderborn Department of Musicology can complete a semester abroad at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz as part of the ERASMUS programme. The musicology courses are part of the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Musicology.The focus of the musicology programme in Graz is on ethnomusicology, jazz and popular music, music in history, music aesthetics as well as music psychology and acoustics. The current range of courses can be found here for the Bachelor's degree and here for the Master's degree.

Off to Lis­bon!

There is an ERASMUS partnership with the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal. This is a programme supervised by the "Popular Music and Media" degree programme, to which musicology students can also apply.