Cur­rent semester

Courses - No­tice board (Down­load) - Re­gis­tra­tion - An­not­ated course cata­logue

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Study mu­si­co­logy in Det­mold/Pader­born

Our study programmes

Bachelor's degree programme in Musicology

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Musicology in the two-subject Bachelor's programme

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Bachelor's degree programme (B.Ed.) Teaching music at grammar schools and comprehensive schools

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Master of Musicology

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Musicology in the two-subject Master's programme

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Master's degree programme (M.Ed.) Teaching music at grammar schools and comprehensive schools

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Combined subject area Digital Humanities in the two-subject Master's programme

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And much more...

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Counselling Service at any time !

The student council is there to represent your interests as students. Would you like to find out more or get involved? You can find more information here!

Public lecture series in the winter semester 2024/2025,
Wednesdays 6-8 pm in the Kuppelsaal
More information here.

There is always a lot going on at the musicology department. Here you can find all the latest news, events and announcements!